So the 20th of May 2006 marked the night for advertising's biggest event of the year, some sort of awards. Up until this year it was called the SLIM Awards sponsored by the self proclaimed gurus of marketing SLIM. Unfortunately holes were poked into the SLIM system and everyone seemed to want a new awards ceremony where creatives were judged by international judges along with local judges and were judged on creativity and not on how many pepsi bottles were sold. And so a hot show for hot creatives in a hot country for hot people to show of their hot clothes and they're hot cars was born and it was dubbed The Chillies. First of all, it is truly bad form to misspell the name of a judge, one would think with an industry packed with clever copywriters and systems designed to avoid these flaws like a judges name being misspelled. The show began with the usual gamut of dancers and performers and a meaningless brainwashing video designed solely for the purpose of turning weak minded people into red chillies. What's dissappointing is for all it's pomp and glory the Chillies has done nothing to change anything. There is still background noise about fixed enteries and unfair victories. The awards looked like tatty pieces of plastic and most people I spoke to found it boring. Then from the frying pan into the fire we go. The after party was a mess, boring dull as ditch water causing people to flee almost immediately, fortunately yours truly was not caught in the initial stampede. Back to another year of working like mad people to win more chillies in the next.
yo dude yeah man the after party sucked and I was stone sober cause boss was as well !!
Oh damn. I had high hopes for this one. Sounds like just another social event for the Colombo high society. I'd still like to know the winners just to benchmark. Recall any?
ah ha ha! colombo tries (and fails) once more.
NIIIIGE! who knew you were a blogger?! :)
Yeah, the after party was a bit of a drag wasn't it? Especially with the bar closing as soon as you walked in and colombo being dead after the elections.
The best was the so called Brazilian dancers mixing with the arabic "hippie". Did anyone see her hips coz I couldn't ;-)
yes electra I have now discovered the vehicle and medium for free speech..... Thanks for visiting and please keep coming back. I loved your site.
to spectral's question to be very honest I was as drunk as a hippie multi colored skunk as I usually am at these events (it's the only way to get through) but as I recall blurrily Triad picked up quite alot followed by JWT, Grants, Leo Burnett and Lowe LDB. Of course there are reliable reports of fixing and rigging with awards being given to non nominees and the reply to some of these allegations from one top industry head was "must be a computer error" ??!!!!! and monkeys fly.
I missed the dancers, if it was before chillies then I was fashionably late as always or if it was before the after party then I was under a table looking for my sanity.
Once again Q you couldn't have put it more eloquently. I must say i missed yasantha laying down the tunes but caught Janka & friends which was cool. i must disagree with the last bit, with chemicals AND A hole in the head is absolutely necessary for something like the chillies.
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