Sunday, June 18, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
It's been almost two weeks and I haven't looked at a newspaper, watched the news, gone online or listened to the radio. Today however I decided to go online and visit the main Sri Lankan dish on blogs (kottu) and to be very honest "ignorance is bliss". I didn't know about the mine that killed 64, I didn't know about the family of 4 in Vankalai and i wish I still didn't. Sri Lanka has been gone to the dogs for decades and like the bible metaphorically put's it "like a dog that returns to it's own vomit". I've given up trying to understand, given up trying to talk about it, tired of all the heated discussions and blogs. At the end of it all Sri Lanka is on a collision course and on the verge of imploding into a huge bloody mess, the beginings of it we are already seeing. We will be hassled, our privacy will be threatened, we will live in fear of everyone and everything, curfews will begin, prices will sky rocket, business will be bad and war has begun. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Sri Lanka is a country that doesn't learn from it's lessons, in fact, it's constantly trying to top the last fuck up with something far worse. And who has control? Arrack slaughtering drunkards in fast expensive cars, constantly 'crusin for a brusin', assaulting women and abusing every single law laid down. Maybe it's time to put down our placards and give up the fight, we are but one to a million and one can never change this country. So let's leave, leave behind this pathetic mess, leave behind the madness and mayham and go far away. It happened in the 80's and 90's, hundreds of like minded people took off and settled down with their families and to this day 90% of them live happily and satisfied. Why should we work so hard just to put money in the pockets wasters who squander money on cars, liquor, women and drugs that is our perogative. Why should our money be used to pay the salaries of sadistic murderers and sponsor their tools of destruction? In other countries tax money is used to keep these sort of people off the streets. Do we actually belive that all these young men we hand machine guns to are in the right state of mind? Do we actually belive that anyone cares? Even the many many human rights watch dogs and activists are nothing but a tiny little voice on TV. God bless their souls for the work they do, but honestly, we are so flogging the dead horse. Sri Lanka IS a beautiful country, with it's varying eniviroments, natural beauty and lush horticulture but no one seems to be rushing towards Yala or Trincomalee. Am I advocating leaving Sri lanka for good?? Yes, then we can all stop bitching about it and we can stop this feeling of sadness and disgust at the things our people to do eachother. I certainly wouldn't want to have or raise a family in this sort of environment.
So, I think we should take our cue from the Douglas Adam's dolphins, "So long and thanks for all the fish"
So, I think we should take our cue from the Douglas Adam's dolphins, "So long and thanks for all the fish"
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Ants In The Plants

Ah.. the afternoon tea break, it's the stuff workers around the country dream about during their after lunch snooze. A time for taking a break and smoking that cigarette, sipping on a hot cup of personal delight in the sweltering heat of a tropical sun. It was during todays tea break, I was doing the usual hanging out on the balcony listening to the banter of the others discussing the latest activation or campaign when I suddenly found myself zoning in on an ant lifting the remains of a fallen commrade over his head and then hauling his dead ass away. Now not owning a camera of my own is as frustrating as not being able to draw anime art, but things like that should never stop anyone and there's always a solution to a problem, which was the OFFICE camera. So I ran in and grabbed the camera, and feeling like a complete National Geographic photographer started a war dance on the balcony snapping away, much to the amusement of the others. The one I've posted with this blog was a cheeky ant making, what looks like a rude gesture on a bamboo.
Will post some more bit by insi winsey bit.
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