Ah.. the afternoon tea break, it's the stuff workers around the country dream about during their after lunch snooze. A time for taking a break and smoking that cigarette, sipping on a hot cup of personal delight in the sweltering heat of a tropical sun. It was during todays tea break, I was doing the usual hanging out on the balcony listening to the banter of the others discussing the latest activation or campaign when I suddenly found myself zoning in on an ant lifting the remains of a fallen commrade over his head and then hauling his dead ass away. Now not owning a camera of my own is as frustrating as not being able to draw anime art, but things like that should never stop anyone and there's always a solution to a problem, which was the OFFICE camera. So I ran in and grabbed the camera, and feeling like a complete National Geographic photographer started a war dance on the balcony snapping away, much to the amusement of the others. The one I've posted with this blog was a cheeky ant making, what looks like a rude gesture on a bamboo.
Will post some more bit by insi winsey bit.
Heh heh. When I first saw this on achcharu, thought the title said "Ants in the 'Pants'".
Lol :) Nice one! I wait for moments like this too! Nice picture!
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the support.
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