Monday, March 05, 2007


Hello, the inevitable has happened. 8 years ago a group of DJ's called Zone productions put together an event which some many thousands have affectionately come to know as Rock Saturday. It ran for a steady 2 years every month which ended on it's 2nd anniversary bringing a thousand strong crowd to their knees sobbing in depression. 4 years ago a group known as the Rock Company STOLE!!!!! the name Rock Saturday and in a lame attempt tried very hard to bring back the glory days of rockers head banging their heads of in front of the speakers, they got as far as the Girls Guides Association Hall. And so 2007 has arrived and the calls for proper rock entertainment have been heard. It's the return of the classic and original Rock Saturday. Of course such things don't come without conflict. Enter the sour grapes. These are the people who have tried hard to fill the Girls Guide Association halls with people using the sounds of talented muscians trying hard to emulate heavy metal, death metal, trash metal and possibly scrap metal failing miserably. These sour grapes have been sending out emails dissing the classic Rock Saturday in a vain attempt to make the borru Rock Saturday cool and legit. Boo Hoo. So I who is an ardent fan of rock and it's saturday's have decided to respond in detail. Here we go.....

email: "I'm only disappointed that Battery moved there (somehow live bands don't interest them as much as DJ consoles). It's all influence like Shanjei says. all these guys are close knit and possibly joined at the brain."

Some people like to sponsor popular events. No one wants to flog a dead horse so stop dreaming and get the Girl Guides to sell some cookies.

email: "And unlike the old days, (genuine) rock fans have evolved into more complex creatures. These old dudes better be up to date with their metal or risk facing a few airborne beer bottles."

People want proper rock not metal, otherwise there would be people at your scrap yard show.

email: "I can assure you they'll play the same 'ol classic rock to suit the old and alternative rock to suit the women, children and Anil."

Well, even they have taste, apparently.

email: "Any rocker worth his salt knows where the panic at the disco is and will avoid it like the plague."

Panic at the Disco is when your local rockers play at a NIGHTCLUB and no one knows how to get out.

email: "They may have better DJs but they'll never have a better rock n roll BAND. We, on the other hand, not only have the bands (with some hot new talent, too. and their fans) but also the option of our having own DJ. And unlike them, we don't have any 'heaviness' restrictions so we can cater to anyone in any genre, from cheese to whatever (our combined CD collections could outdo the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame!). In other words, their product (with its limited features) will eventually lose its novelty and die off. again. Remember, our strength is that we're offering people something different,
and that shouldn't ever change."

Talk about being an egotestical. Who cares about how many CD's you can put together, it's about playing the right song at the right time something our so called "hot new talent" have alot to learn about. Besides transvestites offer something different too but you don't see people clamouring at their doors.

email: "Now is the perfect time to bring in the all important 'wow' factor to our events (venue appearance, deco, art works, trailers, etc.)"

Get band members to cut their hair that might wow a few people.

email: "People went to these 'original' Rock Saturdays because they wanted to be seen at a nice place. It's like taking your picture in front of the Taj Mahal; to show and tell. I don't remember seeing any of those so called 'rock fans' at any of our Rock Saturday gigs (just a handful)."

Hullooooo, thats because most of the so called hot talent that we have today were still pooping in their diapers wondering which bottle of milk to drink from. Rock Saturday is where it happened for rockers to rock to good music. And as a rock fan I have been to the newer Rock Saturday gigs, I was so disgusted and bored it was like a Bryan Adams concert crossed with

email: "I'm quite thrilled to bits; we're actually witnessing the birth of an industry."

Excuse me under rock dweller, the birth of the industry happened a long time ago where do you think the Rock Company stole the name from, the future????

email: "Now all we have to do is work harder and stay on top.

How cute a little devil sign in sms language. quaint.

Everyone has the right to an opinion but don't go dissing the things that started things and the things that some of us enjoy. You have your Rock Saturday we have ours.

Marlon and Wendall see you on the 24th viva la Rock Saturday.


Anonymous said...

In keeping with the spirit of the Rock Saturdays of old, should one be armed with crash helmets and padded clothing when attending?

Nigel said...

I doubt it, attendees of the last original Rock Saturdays have aged a bit by now and become more mature which is the least I can say for sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm… shame on you for reading an email that wasn’t addressed to you! Had you asked me for my opinion of your ‘original’ Rock Satruday, I would’ve gladly told you in probably the exact same words. There was no need to go digging into a personal opinion that was addressed to the organising committee at Rock Company, none of whom harbour any personal grudge against you or your friends.

Let me clarify a few things:
• Those were my opinions and no one else’s. It wasn’t for public display.
• There’s no personal malice or hatred aimed at any of the ‘original’ Rock Saturday founders; it’s just how I see the success of your event (based on past events I’ve been to) and it NOT being a threat to our event. Funny how you conveniently forgot to mention the part of my email that read:
‘So Uncle Marlon & Uncle Wendell can call it a rock revival or the second coming of the Lord… God bless n more power to them.’ (see, I even mentioned the DJs with due respect!)
i've got an opinion about the government, too... should i clear it with the president before i have a political discussion with MY friends?
• Rock Company didn’t steal jack from anyone. It was a rock show and it fell on a Saturday. Big deal! How many brainstorm sessions did it take to come up with the name, anyway? There are Rock Saturday events abroad, too… but I bet they’re all ‘boru’ since you guys started it first, right? You can have your name if that’s what’s bugging you all.
• Rock Company got much further than the gates of the Girl Guides Asssociation. Thanks to us, now there are more kids picking up guitars and forming bands of their own. Call up TNL radio and ask how many requests there are for local artistes who first got their break at ‘our’ Rock Saturdays. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but the golden age of rock n roll began 4 years ago… and it’s still going on; thanks to us.
• People did have fun at the ‘original’ Rock Saturday… but I believe most of ‘em puked it out the next morning. There’s nothing wrong with that, though.
• A music industry is not a bunch of DJs hacking the crap out of ‘Smoke on The Water’. A music industry is when there is some infrastructure for local artistes to present their own creations. Until four years ago, a rock band would have to walk a few miles in hell and spend a fortune just to rehearse, let alone get a gig. Every big rock band you know (even the ones that would claim otherwise) has been a part of our Rock Saturday or would like to.
• Yeah most bands are kids (some look like they haven’t got past puberty, too)… but they’re kids with more rock n roll in them than all you combined. It’s too bad your shortsighted eyes couldn’t see that.
• Brian Adams crossed with Saw III (BTW, it’s way better than Saw II) sounded better to me than just Brian Adams (yeah, we’ve all heard ‘Summer of 69’ at the ‘original’ RS!)
• Rock Company’s motives are genuine; to nurture and promote ‘ORIGINAL’ rock music, regardless of genre (punk, psychedelic, old school hard rock, death metal, scrap metal, etc). I mentioned metal specifically in my email because today that’s what defines rock from a musical and ideological point of view.
• None of our bands are trying to emulate anyone. And it’s not fair to blame them for your redundance and lack of comprehension.
• Define good rock music. Please. And leave out the TNL playlist… that’s pop!
• Maybe you are a rock fan. Then again maybe you’re just a poser who got on the bandwagon (or DJwagon). We’ll never know, will we?
• You seem to a lot about transvestites… tell us more (it might improve our show)
• Thank you for letting us know what you think of our show. Like I said, we needed the motivation. And since you’re a genuine rock fan, you’re more than welcome to the next Rock Sat… sorry, Rock Company event.
• This is NOT an apology.

Good luck with your Rock Saturday. I sincerely mean that… as a rock fan. I may not like your event but we're not saboteurs.

\m/ (it is kinda cute, isn’t it?)

committee member,
Rock Company.

Nigel said...

True in all respects the original mail was not addressed to me, but was sent to me and whatever lands up in my email will be read and treated as information I can use in which way I like and see fit.
Secondly I never said or insinuted any thing about malice or hate towards anyone or anything what I did do was laugh at the sour grapes comments which is a totally diffrent thing If you can't understand the difference then your existance itself should have government clearence.
Yes I did say "stole" and so is everyone to be frank check out the TNL blog if they didn't steal it and Zone did'nt steal it then fine, although it does seem strange that the rock company would use it after the success of Zone's Rock Saturday but then you'd probably reply saying it's just a conspiricy theory. Besides with all the creative people on your commitee (commitee for rock?????? ha ha ha ha ha)
maybe a few more brainstorms would have yeilded another name perhaps.
And true you guys did get further than the Girls Guide Hall. My Mistake people reading this the Rock Company now has it's events at the Women's International Hall.
And no thanks to the Rock Company for starting the band trend it was TNL's Onstage a brainchild by DJ Wendell that got people into doing their own music and starting thier own bands till then the few bands that we had were playing at the Art Centre and since you know so much you should know Zones' Rock Saturday also had live bands how come you never mentioned that (maybe you weren't there). All the Rock Company has done is provide a venue for perfoming and jamming, big deal, want to do something then get some good professional producers and get our local bands at least to india that's what an indusrty does, Rock Saturday is an event an event is where people pay good money to listen to good music and if it's for support where have the bands progressed to? Or have we wasted our money? And yes most bands are kids and I wish they had a commitee that would take their music and craft it for a world wide audience and find a way of marketing it to the world instead of sticking them in the Womens International Hall to earn a few thousands what a waste of talent. I wonder who's short sighted now? At least I belive these guys have a future if they had the right commitee.
"Rock Company's motive are genuine" who cares I never questioned their integrity in fact I give them three hip hip hoorays. They are wonderful, in fact your wonderfull too I'm just saying the tone of what was said about Zones Rock Saturday was sour grapes and that's not fair. And if you don't think it was sour grapes then.. what to do.
I do stand by my guns when I say our local rock bands emulate, but it's upto the commitee to change that to create an original sound not song. TNL playlists are pop (poop) I agree.
And when I say the Rock Company gigs are boring I never said our local bands are not good in fact I did and will always say we have some brilliant talent just not directed in the right way and the event was still poopy but that could also be the way it's organised and presented.
Am i a rock fan? Close friends know and that's all that matters.
What I know of transvestites is that they are men with boobs that's all, if your hurt by what I said on the blog then tough.
Your Welcome for my insights.
No ones asking you too apologise we're just saying kill the sour grapes attitude and rock with us wherever. And I wish the Rock Company all the best as well and I will attend Rock Company's events, occasionally (unless I'm blacklisted) but we'll keep the name "Rock Saturday" you should change.

"Cheers! \m/ (it is kinda cute, isn’t it?)"

For a transvestite MAYBE.

Commitee of Whatever.

Anonymous said...

dear Nige

What happened to the REVIVAL of the ORIGINAL rock saturday.. heard it was a complete FLOP! (suprise suprise) and thus.. seems like it has stopped there,,, hahaha VIVA LA ROCK SATURDAY

P.S - wanna come for a REAL show? come next sunday to clancys.. ill buy you a drink :)

Elite commitee member

Nigel said...

Yawn...i'm glad your happy.

P.S. Thanks for the invitation.